Oh what beautiful irony a rose growing in the winter only to whither at my touch an angel ripped from my heart and given life ever so far away calling me with her seductive song making me struggle against my bonds and my soul screams against the howling winds only to be silenced by the midnight breeze I cry my tears ever so softly yearning to touch what I never may have and dying ever time I cannot reach sweet nothings dying on my lips and words that come out cold and hollow Your tears cut deep into me and your cries ring forever in my ears I can only long to hold you to wrap my arms around your delicate body to softly whisper in your ear and to graze my lips over your hair a sweet poison that I cannot stop drinking a fragile knife I cannot pull from my heart This is the pain I live with a pain I will not let go a soothing hand on my face as cold as Death's icy grip a soft kiss on my lips drawing blood and leaving me dry At the edge of the cliff I stand jumping and falling for all ever turning and twisting in the cold air only to land in a heaven I no longer believe in This is life's beautiful irony to create an angel ever so perfect and move her away from my waiting arms. by, WPHUNG (I'm really beginning to hate irony) Send any comments to WPHUNG@aol.com © 1998 Smile in the Dark Productions